Pre-Bid Information
07/14/2022 10:00 AM ET
There will be a pre-bid meeting held on July 14th, 2022 at 10am / pm EST to clarify any scope and address any questions about the project or Bid Package. Meet in the main conference room in the Operations & Maintenance Building, Northern Kentucky University 70 Campbell Drive, Highland Heights, KY 41076; Please email Ryan Straus, Coordinator, Procurement Services with any questions. The pre-bid meeting is not mandatory; however, we will not be able to schedule any walkthroughs or site visits before or after the pre-bid meeting. Attendance is highly recommended.
Bid Information
07/29/2022 02:00 PM ET
The bidder shall submit, by the time and date specified via US Postal Service, courier or other delivery service, its bid response in a sealed package.
Northern Kentucky University is seeking a Vendor to provide all materials, labor, tools, supervision, and equipment required to:
2.1.1 - Remove and demo base for (8) existing HID lights;
2.1.2 - Remove, demo & replace (18) single head LED light poles with (18) single Heads;
2.1.3 - Remove & demo (3) double headed LED light poles and replace with (3) double headed poles.