NKU Digital Planroom


ITB NKU-23-2022 Callahan Residence Hall Interior Painting

ITB NKU-23-2022 Callahan Residence Hall Interior Painting


Company Contact

Northern Kentucky University
Holly Vasquez


Highland Heights

Pre-Bid Information

Pre-Bid Information

02/18/2022 09:00 AM ET
There will be a pre-bid meeting held on Date 02/18/2022 at 9:00am EST. Meet at entry doors to Callahan Residence Hall, Northern Kentucky University 3510 Alexandria Pike Highland Heights, KY 41076; please email Holly Vasquez, Manager Procurement Services vasquezh1@nku.edu and purchasing@nku.edu with any questions.
Bid Information

Bid Information

03/16/2022 02:00 PM ET
The bidder shall submit their bid, by the time and date specified to the address below along with the bid number ITB NKU-23-2022 on the outside of the envelope. Blaine Gilmore Director, Procurement Services Lucas Administrative Center, Suite 617 1 Nunn Drive Northern Kentucky University Highland Heights, KY 41099 gilmoreb@nku.edu Note: Proposals received after the closing date and time will not be considered.



Northern Kentucky University is seeking a Contractor to provide all materials, labor, tools, supervision, and equipment required to perform interior repainting of cmu block wall commons spaces, corridors, estimate 221 residence units, hollow metal doors and frames, and stairwells.


  • 03/01/2022 - Addendum No 1 ITB NKU-23-2022 Callahan Residence Hall Painting   View Addendum
  • 03/01/2022 - NKU-23-2022   View Addendum
  • 03/01/2022 - Appendix 1 Revised Addendum 2 - Callahan Residence Hall Inteiror Painting Project   View Addendum
  • 03/01/2022 - ITB NKU-23-2022 Callahan Interior Paint Renovation Addendum No. 2   View Addendum
  • 03/08/2022 - Addendum No 3 ITB NKU-23-2022 Callahan Residence Hall Painting   View Addendum
  • 03/09/2022 - Addendum No. 4 ITB NKU-23-2022 Callahan Residence Hall Painting.   View Addendum
  • 03/22/2022 - Bid Tabulation ITB NKU-23-2022 Callahan Residence Hall Interior Painting   View Addendum